Tag Archives: India

When East met West…. and then decided to travel together


According to many blogs and websites, travelling is a great way of consolidating a relationship. I couldn’t agree more. In my case it was my first backpacking holiday with M. in Cabo Verde that helped me realise he was indeed my man for life. He valiantly supported three hours of verbal insults as we hiked in beach sandals, over rocky terrain in 40 degree weather, across the Cape Verdian island of Santa Antao.

After that experience M. has never again given me guesstimates on walking time and will never utter the words, “Oh, it’s just round the corner, sweetie.” For my part I never again suggested going on holiday soon after M.’s mandatory time away with the Swiss army, when he found himself in peak physical condition with lots of energy to burn through hiking trips of the kind.

So, yes, travel does help you achieve marital bliss as you figure out, very quickly, what works or doesn’t in your relationship.

However, it’s a whole different ball game when the two people who travel together, come from different continents and hold different passports. Continue reading

Photo of the week


This photo was taken at Manipal’s End Point, where the students and residents of this university town come to run, play football or just to hang out. Its panoramic views also make it an ideal place for… erm… romantic dealings. It seems it’s also a good place to go for a swim during the monsoons when the football field floods over!

After an Indian holiday: Why there’s now more of me to hug…

The pani puri "wallah" in Mumbai (©MRandin)

… Okay, so maybe averaging four meals a day didn’t help. But I wanted M. to try all my favourite dishes and he was more than willing to oblige! And the further south you go the better the food gets (and yes, that’s a highly objective opinion!).

Here’s a list of a few of my favourite things to eat in India. Continue reading

After an Indian holiday: Why there's now more of me to hug…

The pani puri "wallah" in Mumbai (©MRandin)

… Okay, so maybe averaging four meals a day didn’t help. But I wanted M. to try all my favourite dishes and he was more than willing to oblige! And the further south you go the better the food gets (and yes, that’s a highly objective opinion!).

Here’s a list of a few of my favourite things to eat in India. Continue reading

Why borrowed slippers, eunuchs and video cameras make for an interesting train ride in India

Fire extinguishers at the Canacona train station in Goa. (©MRandin)

George Winters said, “If God had really intended men to fly, he’d make it easier to get to the airport”, which is why we decided to take the train to Udipi – my dad’s hometown. Continue reading

Photo of the week

Doing it their way on Palolem beach! (©MRandin)

Taking a leisurely evening stroll on south Goa's famous party beach, Palolem. ©MRandin

Goa: The state of ‘sosgado’

Juggling on Patnem Beach. ©MRandin

A man, with matted hair sits in the lotus position with his face raised to the sun. A few metres down the beach, a 30 something woman, sporting a bright pink sun dress, cavorts through the waves playing a three note tune on a tiny flute. Welcome to Patnem beach in the south of Goa – a place which fulfils every tired cliché about the state’s famous hippie culture. Continue reading

Happy New Year everyone!


I thought I’d start off 2010 with one of my favourite pictures from 2009. Our car had stopped just a little behind this truck with the boy hanging out the back. He smiled for the camera and then waved out to us as the light turned green!

Happy New Year everyone . I hope 2010 will be filled with joy, peace and good luck for each of you.

On being a “dog traveller” in Mumbai


I’ve been thinking a lot about what my aunt said just before we left India to return to Switzerland. She asked me if I’m a ‘dog traveller’ or a ‘cat traveller’. According to her a ‘dog traveller’ gets attached to people while ‘cat travellers’ are usually more smitten with the place. Continue reading

Incredible India!

Brace yourselves - Vanessa does South India!

I have a confession to make. I really wasn’t looking forward to spending two weeks in India. I had little choice in the matter, however, as my husband booked two tickets for Mumbai one evening and casually let me know about it after the deed was one.